so i finally got a finished copy of my book. It is so fucking dope! It came out really nice. I'm so happy with it. I'm just a bit nervous because the rest of the copies are going to be delivered like 3 days before the comic con, so if anything goes wrong and i don't get the books in time, i'm going to throw a bitch fit. Here are some quick pics i took of myself flossing my new book. =)
These were taking real quick with my mac so they are kinda shitty and i guess it's like a mirror image so everything is flipped the wrong way. I was just excited and wanted to take a few quick pics of it before i headed out. =)

<the cover. The full title is Living Dolls A Photo-Poetic Paper Doll Project. Yeah it's a long title. =)

<The back of the book. This is Ranila's background room. That cat in the frame is her darling, Starlite.

<Nikki's doll and room

<Melissa's doll. The dolls are nice and big. The pages are really thick. I love it!